Terronics Electrostatic Powder applicators use rotating brushes to meter precisely the feeding rate of the powder. This powder is then transported as an aerated and diffuse powder cloud by low-energy laminar air flows through a powder coating chamber. This coating chamber is at least 0,5 m long, depending on the application. In the coating chamber, all the powder particles pick up an electrostatic charge from a corona charging voltage system, at only 35 kV. Because of the internal electrical field set up between the high voltage system at 35 kV and the electrically grounded product/web, the powder particles are attracted to the products/web and deposit on it.

Instead of multiple powder guns, needing an array of guns, often in multiple rows mounted in an enclosure, to cover the whole product/web, the Terronics Powder Coater only has one powder feeding and metering system making only one coherent powder cloud that covers the whole width of the product/web to be coated in the coating chamber. This offers several advantages:
Straightforward in design and operation: only one in-line powder feeding and one charging system.
High first time depostion efficiencies, typically over 95%: The particles are steered to the product by electrostatic forces in low-energy laminair air flows in the coating chamber. This chamber is at a slight underpressure, the little portion of powder particles that remain airborne (typically less than 5%) are captured in a dust collector and are disposed of, or can be re-used.
Enabling uniform powder coating layers at high processing speeds